Luxury Dozen Red Rose Bouquet


The ultimate Valentine bouquet – a dozen red Naomi roses with beautiful eucalyptus foliage.

This premium red rose is the creme de la creme of Valentines roses. Its large, full flower heads and deep red colour add extra drama to the classic Valentine’s bouquet.

Presented with a mix of eucalyptus foliage and architectural birch branches, beautifully gift wrapped in paper and cellophane and presented in an aqua box.

Available for local delivery to CV31, CV32, CV33 and CV34 postcodes or to collect from our shop.


The ultimate Valentine bouquet – a dozen red Naomi roses with beautiful eucalyptus foliage.

This premium red rose is the creme de la creme of Valentines roses. Its large, full flower heads and deep red colour add extra drama to the classic Valentine’s bouquet.

Presented with a mix of eucalyptus foliage and architectural birch branches, beautifully gift wrapped in paper and cellophane and presented in an aqua box.

Available for local delivery to CV31, CV32, CV33 and CV34 postcodes or to collect from our shop.

Additional information

Number of Roses

Twelve Roses, Eighteen, Forty Eight, Thirty Six, Twenty Four

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